Is the right side of my body compromised?

A couple of weeks ago I had a procedure to remove two non-melanomas, a BCC & SCC skin cancers. I started thinking about all the health issues I have had over the last decade. To my surprise, I realised all my bites, wounds and operations have been on the RIGHT SIDE of my body. “Warning below images may be confronting”

Complications of Untreated Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Left untreated, SCC may spread and infiltrate nearby skin tissues. Bcc can appear anywhere on the body but most commonly develops on parts of the body that receive high or intermittent sun exposure (head, face, neck, shoulders and back). 

SCC on Chest – scraping to remove scaly dry area. This particular one alerted me by a tightness /pulling.

2011 : While sailing in Mexico I stepped with my right foot from my surf board to turn and paddle back to our boat into shallow sandy water onto a sting-ray. It sliced a small incision along the bottom of my right little toe. Man did that hurt for such a small cut. Reaching our friends boat anchored next to ours where I new my husband was onboard, I yelled to him I need help. We were aware of the dangers of sting-ray bites, quickly, but calmly we made our way to our vessel and I elevated my foot whilst the kettle was boiled then poured boiling water into a container large enough to fit my foot to soak to remove the poison. It is recommended to use as Hot water as you can handle…. after a time the pain subsided but I was certainly aware for sometime, like a year or more after it had happened. It later become infected sailing through Mexico and I had to see a doctor and take some antibiotics to heal it fully.

Photo credit – Not my foot but similar to where my cut was only under little toe.

When a stingray whips its tail at you, one or more of its spines may pierce your skin. The sheath around each spine then breaks apart and releases venom into the wound and surrounding tissue.

2013 : A few years later I returned from Bali after Yoga Teacher Training with appendicitis. Although I expect I was already suffering from it prior to arriving, fainting at the airport and feeling in slight pain and discomfort throughout training. I do credit Yoga training as being a god send for this issue….It was a very large ball of infection encasing the appendix and eating into my Psoas muscle. After the operation my right leg would not move after discovering doctors had cut away a portion of my psoas muscle – I began to strengthen this side of my body through exercises while bed ridden.

2015 : I think I was bitten by a spider or had a cut that was infected, as I had noticed many inside and outside of the boat whilst cleaning it after our purchase. The first sign from memory was I noticed I had a red mark on my right arm, it was sore and swollen on day 2 or 3 of cleaning. I found some out of date antibiotics in the first aid kit and started taking them. It appeared to feel ok, but was woken through the night feeling heat and soreness, moving from my bed to the lounge. My husband found me there the next morning waking me to say “What is wrong with your arm?” “It’s was hurting through the night ” I said, he pointed out it has a large red area. I took more antibiotics as it was a Sunday I managed it and made an appointment first thing Monday morning to see my doctor. My doctor was alarmed and pleased I had taken antibiotics but scolded me for not going to the hospital sooner, advising I need to make my way quickly to the closest hospital. The doctors enquired as to what happened, but as I did not see what happened, I had mentioned the spiders they thought I was possibly bitten by a white tip spider, admitted to hospital for a few days with a very red top portion of my Right Arm. I was left with a 5-10 cent size (or similar to a small pox scar) red mark from the infection or bite and a small dip of flesh sunk in below the bite, known as flesh eating.

2021: Walking to catch a ferry I rolled my ankle and broke a bone, having spent 8-10 weeks in boot – it has felt good to be moving about life again without pain – although it is still tender at times and the circulation and swelling apparent when too much walking.

As explained I became curious when I realised all these things happened to the right side of the body. So let’s explore organs on the Right Side of my body.

I eat well, drink plenty of water, practice yoga regularly & I am generally active in nature, when you hear the words cancer, it sends your mind into slight turmoil.

2022: Seated quietly, we moved through the water on our familiar route. I’m not sure if I was in shock, feeling a little shaky, I was reliving the experience in my mind as we sped across the water to my island home. It was like an out of body moment – I was the specimen cut open, lying on my left side listening to the operation unfold , “Tell me if you Feel anything ” the doctor asks, I am now on high alert “Am I going to feel this?” Just raise your hand and I will stop “ she says and I will put more injection to numb the area. I kept hearing “This is a monster..” The doctor is caring, but not sugar coating anything. 

I thought “I wish they would stop talking!”

I began Sweating and thinking my stomach was about to empty. 

I staggered to reach the exit doors of the ferry like a drunk coming home from a big night out.

My husband shadowed me, moving me to a bench seat close to the shoreline, I look out over the salty sea as the ferry pulls away taking in the surrounding islands. The fresh air feels good. 

A lady sat beside me and chattered away … a friend stopped by and conversed a while – I had to turn and say goodbye as my stomach began to heave.

I looked down at my sparkly blue comfy shoes splattered with my lunch, remembering the day I bought them … only because I was all dressed ready for a Down Under Rally function in New Caledonia and my shoes fell apart crossing the road, this happens with shoes onboard vessels as they are not worn often, bare feet or thongs the preferred choice of foot wear for a live aboard.

The friendly soul my husband left in charge while he darted to bring the car close, kept my mind off feeling ill, chattering away giving me reassurance she is ok with the situation, offering how she has been looking after her husband the past months.

As I look upon her clothes, I apologised for spoiling them slightly, she is not concerned and shakes it off. Note to self, I must find this lovely soul when I am well to thank her properly.

Regular visits to the mainland continue over the next few days to check my wounds, they had discovered I had a hematoma on my large BCC removal on the right arm, and were keeping an eye on it. After 7 days a second opinion was sourced should I be reopened to investigate – the conclusion was to ice, compression bandage and pain relief.

Day 10 The haematoma had not released and I was reopened to investigate, what followed was the release of the haematoma and removal of lots of small blood clots and the wound was cauterised. My Dr continued to ask if I was on blood thinners, “No” she was hoping my blood tests would return some answers, but she advise great results on all tests ” You are a healthy woman” she said. I left with a numb area thinking it was finally ok. Only to wake with blood stained sheets. I wrapped my arm in a compression bandage and returned to the clinic, where the bleeding could not be contained and an ambulance was called, “How much blood has she lost?” The ambulance driver asked, about 200 I heard. My doctor had rung ahead to the local hospItal advising of my situation, asking a surgeon to take my case. She advised my reaction of violent shaking to the adrenalin and wishes for me to go into theatre. Waiting on an ambulance stretcher for the surgeon team to take me to theatre was a process, and proved to be slow as the surgeon was not available now having had to scrub into another emergency. I asked to be taken to another hospital I was familiar with, but although the efforts of the ambulance driver was admiral – they would not accept me due to this surgeon accepting my case.

I was wheeled in the ambulance bed to the emergency room and asked to sit in a chair, blood running down my arm, I looked at the ambulance man and my dissappointing eyes had him say to a nurse “she can’t be here.“

I was then moved to a doctors room laid on the bed to wait. A rotation of staff held compression on my wound to stop the bleeding and attempted to book me into theatre, only to be told no availability.

A surgeon arrived an hour or so later and attempted to find what was the cause of the bleeding. The pain was horrendous as he mentioned later he needed to find the leak and didn’t want the medication to stop the bleeding and inhibit finding the source.

It seemed like hours he was prodding and compressing … another colleague came to the room to take over for a brief time. Further pain and loss of blood, a saline drip was administered into cannula of my left arm around 4pm which was about 5 hours since my first appointment and another request from the doctor to get us into theatre for better lighting and pain relief. The nurse rushed in and says “lets get her up there now a theatre is available…. which lasted all of about 2 min, they cancelled yet again.

The doctor asked to push the bed over and up more & pulled the wall mounted light overhead closer at the same time apologised, not knowing why untilI I felt something excruciating, crying out in pain and the tears began to fall, the apologies continued for further time eventually pain like I can only relate to child birth when a artery felt like it was pulled through my wound and stitched securely to stop bleeding.
The caring nature of the surgeons apologising for the experience, then the discussing on closing me, he didn’t want to cause any further pain, deciding to leave the small flap opened, advising it may not heal so well and later can be fixed if it bothers you. At this stage I truly didn’t care what happened I just wanted the pain to stop, but had a small disappointment cross my mind as the healing which was looking good now appears to be an ugly reminder of damage by the sun. I can live with that I thought.

I had an overnight stay to monitor my progress spent in the Emergency ward. After a fitful sleep I had a visit by the surgeons team on morning rotation. A male doctor advised no further surgery is going to happen seeing the bleeding is contained and the wound would be dressed and the healing was in the hands of my body, but a female doctor disagreed and said a stitch is needed for the flap – they left me saying someone would be along soon to dress the wound. After fits and starts of someone coming and not coming the head nurse decided if she could remove remaining stitches and apply the decided Pico Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to protect from infection and heal the existing wound.

I am now into Day 3 and a change of Pico Bandage and thumbs up by the Nursing Care team saying it is healing well and no sign of infection. I have a further Surgeon follow up next week and hope I will only continue to Heal more and more each day and put this behind me.

My Take on this is be very careful of a wound and sun exposure to it. Know your family health history. Slip, slop, slap (Modere live clean sunscreen is my favourite) High SPF and please get a regular Skin Check each year before sailing off each season. I am usually pretty good with this but covid got in the way. Eat gut loving meals to help you heal well and drink plenty of water.

Love and Light

Leanne x

(Also if you can know your family health issues)

Research links. – stingray … appendix info

New Years Resolutions

Are you one to make New Years resolutions? Is it something society created to judge us on? Or put pressure on ourselves? Have you heard this before ? “Ahh you didn’t go through with it” – “You quit before you even started!”

Resolutions are goals right, a tradition with a different name, or in recent years a vision board or once known as a wish or now A manifestation, something you hope to achieve. I guess that’s the term I relate to the most, Manifesting – believing in something so much that it will happen.

Let’s break them all down from dictionary

Resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something.”she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more”

Goal – the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.”he achieved his goal of becoming King of England”

Vision board – a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.”on her vision board she put a log cabin, a sailboat, a red car, and a man and woman dancing on a white carpet”

Wish -a desire or hope for something to happen.

Manifestation – is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it, and it will come. … via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.”

So this means whatever term you use and I guess to keep it global as a beginning of a new year A resolution … what is it you want from life in 2022?

Maybe you haven’t given it much thought, but I’m going to guess this year more than most in your life there are many of us who truly are wanting a change – to climb from the tunnel we are in! Or maybe we’ve realised we just don’t fit in a particular box anymore.

So, I hope one of the above terms resonates with you – and your New Years resolution is clear in your mind and it comes to fruition in 2022.

So what’s mine you may ask ? Can we have more than one – yes why not … I’ll play genie in a bottle 🧞‍♀️

I truly want my foot to heal so I begin teaching when scheduled, this is a combination of manifesting and self help wishing without some form of action on my behalf to mend my ankle, like small movements to strengthen whilst healing ❤️‍🩹 fingers and toes crossed I’m heading in the right direction.

Oh by the way the universe decided my festive holiday was to be a restful one … my short thoughts before my accident, I must contact Susan re starting tennis and I need to finish other projects … nope 👎

Physical Pain was my biggest hurdle with my break the day after I finished teaching for 2021. I was Scared to put my foot down into the moon boot at the hospital, gosh I wanted to punch the doctor forcing my foot into the boot. But once I was past the initial pain, and began walking with support from the crutches and boot and managing the weight to pain ratio – I was on the road to recovery immediately.

Pain is not a pleasant thing whether physical or mental you feel your trapped either in it or with it. So in 2022 I hope if you are experiencing pain physically or mentally you learn tools to strengthen in both mind and body … it’s a lifesaver to move forward in life. Maybe you will begin that health journey you’ve been thinking about but never really committed to ! I’m here to help just ask.

Oh and by way of course they are positive New year resolutions right 🤸‍♂️ thinking the worst is not a good thing for self or whoever your sending it too.

Happy Manifesting, vision boarding, goals & wishes for 2022.

Love and Light I’m off to heal more.


Sail well live well be well

A Xmas Letter

North South East West

So this Is Christmas! I’ve always loved it from a small child. I come from a big family and being surrounded by everyone made me feel safe & loved spending holidays with siblings, their partners, aunties, uncles and cousins.

One Xmas in particular I remember we drove to The Bunya Mountains. The road trip I never looked forward to as it had windy steep roads, with long drop offs. If my Dad had a few Ales it was even more terrifying. But when we reached the top there was the smell of fresh pines trees, the lorikeets calling, running waterfalls and endless camp grounds and space.

Bunya Mountains

The immense subtropical range of cool, green rainforest, eucalypt forests and woodlands is home to the world’s largest forest of bunya pines. Dome shaped bunya pines graciously raise their majestic heads above the forest canopy crowning a magnificent green splendour.

Our family was so large we could build cricket teams and rugby teams. I had cousins similar ages to chat to and explore the walking paths into the cool canopy covered tracks. The leeches and the ticks not fun if you got one but they came with the territory.

Life was simple, I had never realised until later in life how much this place was cemented in my memory.

I now prepare to have my first Christmas in our new home on The Island in Southern Moreton Bay, although it will just be the 3 of us who complete our immediate family, I will be once again serenaded by birds, the lapping of water from the ferries and love in one place.

A student of mine walked from the ferry to attend a final class on the island I teach at and shared with me ”You know there is something magical about here – I almost feel like I’ve walked into a story book.”

Pioneer Community Hall Lamb Island

I feel the same, almost like I’ve gone back in time to where I grew up, in a small Qld town with relaxed lifestyle but now I’m surrounded by water my second love in life.

It sounds so magical and amazing, but it brought challenges starting afresh, changing all I new living an ocean life since the world turns us all on our heads, spun us around so many times to make us dizzy, then spat us out to see if we could find our way. It is not over and it seems like an endless tunnel we are all navigating trying to find the way out.

The sailing season this year was a little different but so so special exploring Australia’s Coral Sea. Once again I met some fantastic souls – and also privileged to continue the friendships on the island with like minded island neighbours rolling out their mats.

Marion Reef Coral sea Yoga4Yachties

Another boat is in our future, to sail away and spend time in all those magical pacific islands & islanders we find dear to our hearts.

This year saw some friends loose hope, others have their heads in the sand, some are overwhelmed and becoming recluse, some stuck in island paradises. Some soldier on as if nothing has changed. Like yoga not one of us look quite the same, we all try and navigate a path in life the best way to find some happiness in this strange world we find ourselves in.

After the loss of a friend, I was chatting to a mutual acquaintance and she said to me ? So so devastating .
I do not know how to help folk that feel so low.
Talking etc but how do you turn their depth of despair into hope and possibilities ?

My answer: “I think you have to want it for yourself or you want it baldly
Enough for another – and most importantly we have to remove ourselves from
Negative situations and find a space to quieten our minds – we need to learn how to find it through yoga or mediation because when we get quiet and still all that’s worrying us – that constant chatter in our head – often it’s not as important as we think or we see a way clear – You know what I do – I put something funny on … listen to comedy – listen to happy music … dance, laugh & sing ! It sounds so easy and it is – hugs are so important also – I know with covid human connection has stopped – we need to
Find a way to touch and be safe and connect again to make us all happy ! Good old fashion prayer 🙏 or just send your intentions out into the world each day for peace in my mind or heart … I can only continue to hope things will improve, we all just need to hope “this too will pass” xo

Remember always the one person we talk to the most is “YOU” take your mind on a walk through nature and truly check out for short periods each day. Nature is our connection to self.

As I sign off for another year – I am truly grateful for all who joined classes with me on remote islands in the Coral Sea, Online and at Lamb Island Community Hall & Bundaberg Port Marina, KokoMo The Boat Works . Also my 200hr online Yoga student Maria & teaching friend Susan who taught me more than I could ever imagine about connecting from afar and how the depths of yoga can be shared. Last but not least my dear friend who I met in Bali many years ago Jill who has continued to be a part of my online teachings offering yin yoga.

The unicorn symbolism is linked to purity, freedom, gentleness, virginity, innocence, divinity, and magic. Christians believe that the unicorn symbol is that of Christ and Mother Mary themselves. Seeing unicorns in dreams is inevitably a sign of good luck, happiness, and a positive omen

As I began my Xmas letter reflecting on family it is a only apt I End with a Xmas message from my cousin and online student which I feel sums up yoga …

Thank you Leanne . Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New year. I am hoping to have some time to catch up with your classes that I have missed. Although I havent been on line your yoga practice instructions are never far away as I go about my daily tasks. Much appreciated. Have and enjoyable and relaxing break. Love Sharon ox❤🙏

May you find peace in your heart – friends who bring you smiles and comfort to live in this changing world with loved ones the best we can each day … as I often end my classes and say “we cannot change the past, and we do not know what the future holds, enjoy this space we are in right now because this is our life. No looking back and no point looking forward we are here in this space right now make the most of who or where you are.

Festive vibes & New Year hope

Love and light

Leanne 🙏🙏🙏

Sailing Yoga Teacher Focus and business dreams …

From the docks in USA, sandy points of Bora Bora, under Fiji palms, New Caledonia islands, marinas and beaches of Australia Yoga has been a part of my sailing life …

Leanne Hembrow

We were in our usual yearly routine on the Gold Coast Australia, lifting our boat, at The Boat Works, preparing for sailing season, when life took a spin into the unusual. Names we are all familiar with now, corona virus, lock down & social distancing became the focus.

Living on board our vessels since December 2008, we choose to have a break away while maintenance chaos is complete & home is restored onboard. The developing health crisis now sees me semi-restricted to our rental property so I began to focus on my upcoming events, first being Women Who Sail Australia gathering on the bay, preparing classes for ‘Circle of Friendship’, advertising impending Yoga Retreat in Vanuatu and a brand new venture Yoga4Yachties Yoga Clothing.

Life & Business became a balancing act!

Like many Business’ mine quickly changed, instead of receiving money, I was reimbursing funds, and cancelling Yoga Retreats in the planning. Grateful for my family & Sailing community Women Who Sail Australia & Women Who Sail NZ were quick to support me by way of purchasing my new Yoga Wear.

This is your Chakras working! Yoga with colour ‘Your meant to see it” Yoga4Yachties – Namaste Ocean Yoga ™ © 2013-2020

Compression wear are a good option to reduce your risk for delayed onset muscle soreness. Gradient compression places pressure on the areas of leg that help disperse lactic acid build up. Allowing the user to recover faster and get back to your active routine sooner.
They are not just for Yoga … run, bike, train, or play sports with compression gear and see if you notice a difference.

I had a Free Facebook event planned to keep my sailing community on course after ‘WWSA GOT 5' at Port Stephens Australia.

"Sail Wellness 21 day challenge"

The challenge became a wonderful focus for me and thread to stay connected with my Sailing Community, offering the opportunity to share what I had been planning for my previous event ‘Practical ways to practice onboard your vessel.’ I felt like I had a purpose each day, teaching through virtual connection to many sailors and friends around the world. I offered Yoga, Meditation and “Let’s Talk Food,” as a Gut Health mentor, I invited chef Audrey to jump in to offer a few quick Gut Loving Recipes too, we hope to collaborate soon with a Yoga Retreat in Fiji.

I threw myself into this project, in the process it opened doors to my sailing community, extended my reach bringing my classes on board their vessels and homes. I grew in confidence with Facebook Live and Zoom Classes, introducing my community to different types of Yoga and ways of teaching, I reached out and re-kindled friendships I had made during yoga trainings, and brought a wonderful group of teachers together to share their love of Wellness, including Ebony, Jo, Nessa, Penny forever grateful and to Jill who is now collaborating with me, a regular guest teacher on Subscribed Sail Wellness offering Yin Yoga classes as well as Online classes available via my website & we all have plans to collaborate with Yoga Retreats together in the Pacific and as far as Italy.

My U-tube channel had a resurgence sharing a few videos for my extended yoga community, from the beach in New Caledonia to Zoom lesson in lock down.

Teaching Friends sharing a special memory on the last day of the #sailwellness challenge

2020 sees my life as a traveling Sail Wellness Yoga Teacher changed for now, but I’m not alone. I am grateful for my focus to keep sane during this crisis, I credit my passion, which I don’t often refer to as a business, but yes it is and it’s so important to me, I have thrown my heart and soul into Yoga4Yachties™ over the past decade.

A memory comes to mind in Fiji setting up under the shade of the swaying Palm Trees for a sunset class  ...

I was often the only one, but I kept on going back to those Palm Trees until 1 by 1 students joined in …. each season I came back, each season classes grew and my students shared like sailor’s do along the cruisers grapevine, ‘There is someone teaching yoga on the grassed area just past the Island bar whispered on the wind’ and what I did to create this connection was born from passion & dedication, driven by love of Yoga to want to share this to my sailing & broader community.

I have adapted, focused and rolled my 21 day free Sail Wellness challenge into a Subscribed Sail Wellness group including 21 recorded Classes + 2 Live classes each month. Life is different without hugs and the energy from group classes but I am still feeling the love and connection through virtual engagement. I am also a guest teacher at The Yoga Revolution in the UK another Bliss Family connection.

I’m continuing to teach private & group Zoom online yoga session instead of sailing off to the pacific for now and of course will find ways to share cruising Australia. I’ve purchased slippers and finding what warm clothes I have onboard to keep this tropical yogi comfortable and adapting in this changing time.

I long to greet you all again old friends and welcome new into our community, as we merge into the pacific when borders allow, chasing summer from Australia with our Down Under ‘Go East Yacht Rally “ to New Caledonia along with new Pacific Puddle Jumper into Fiji and Vanuatu .

Love and Light to all the wonderful yoga teachers around the world, many I know and don’t, I could not be prouder to be a part of a network of beautiful souls who gave so much during and still with this world health crisis, from pure love to help all find some peace in their days.

Love and Light Leanne x

Connect with me via email or via my website I’m more than happy to find ways to connect with local & abroad sailing communites, record classes just for you, it’s all part of my service.

In 2013 on board our 54ft Moody Yoga4Yachties™ official name was created after practicing and sharing my love of yoga to the sailing community during my sailing travels since throwing the lines in 2009.

Season Greetings & memories

Well, another year is coming to a close, which sees me looking back on what I have achieved, explored and marvelled at in this big wide world, and as I write, I reflect on grateful moments.

When I moved to this small Island in Southern Moreton Bay Australia just over 2 years ago, I smile at the memory of my husband and I turning to look at each other, both saying simultaneously “Yoga Studio!” Walking inside our house transported me to Bali with its calming Buddha wall art, bamboo sliding door and timber floors, which opened out into the tropical gardens looking through louvred windows, welcoming in the birdsongs and lapping water from passing boats. I have not looked back changing the location from the Community Hall, as my students inform me how much they enjoy entering through the garden of hanging vines, the sounds of trickling water and into the peaceful studio space.

In February / March I offered 200hr Yoga Teacher Training to deepen students yoga knowledge, which I held at Lamb Island Studio. A small group were introduced to Sanskrit, learning to teach a Yoga sequence, understanding Anatomy terms and meditation techniques.

In May – August I was once again onboard MV Cavallino III in the Pacific Islands which was the mother ship for our Down Under Rally – GO EAST Yacht Rally to New Caledonia & Vanuatu & Beyond. I relished the moments being back at sea, but It is not always peaceful inside the saloon, the organisers peace is only restored once all have arrived safely and events completed. We then share in the frivolity of sailor tales of varying sea conditions and experiences of first time ocean crossings onboard their vessels.

Prior to departing Australia from The Boatworks I enjoyed teaching Yoga Classes in the Captains Lounge to the rally participants. I always close practice with breath work and remind students to use at sea if unsettled conditions are stressful, and I’m happy to say at times a sailor will quietly share with me they used it to calm them down when needed.

Later this year saw me undertaking a different direction from Yoga which was the result of a resort I had contracted to over the years in the Pacific Islands. This direction was “Reformer Pilates Teacher Training.” I must admit at first I felt I was moving into the gym world which is not a favourite place of mine to be, but once I had attended a local studio which was tastefully designed with air conditioning, chandeliers and friendly staff, I was hooked.

What I didn’t anticipate whilst completing the online training and clocking up my participation hours for Barre Body Reformer Training, was I would roll into simultaneously studying with Studio Pilates Victoria Point. The Universe works in funny ways! I successfully passed both trainings which sees me being offered a casual position at the local studio commencing 10 January 2024.

As life offers changes in the Sailing world, selling our Down Under Rally in November, this does not change my love of the ocean and places I hold deep in my heart where Yoga teaching began, which will see me continue to offer Retreats.

Join me in 2024 at The Ultimate Yoga Getaway Fiji.

This Christmas I feel extremely grateful for all my students who have participated in classes and trainings at my Lamb Island studio, we have a caring community which I’m grateful for. I look forward to offering once again in 2024.

I wish you all a Peaceful and Happy Christmas, may you be blessed with health & surrounded by family & friends love.

Leanne x

P.s. Thank you for once again being invited to teach at

Women Who Sail Australia gathering on the bay.

“Treasure those who helped you along your journey in life”

Leanne Hembrow

When like minds collide

I was recently contacted by a fellow sailor /editor who had read a blurb that triggered something in him, he reached out to me and this is the article which came about bringing my passion and global awareness to health in the cruising world with Editor John Curnow, of & Yoga, Health & Sail Wellness.

Of breathing, pretzels, and other funky things …

“We are all searching for something without even knowing it. Remember we left behind a place to feel freedom on the sea, and experience other lands and cultures, not change them to become the same as what we sailed away from. How can we achieve or maintain wellness with our lifestyle choice both for self and the globe we travel upon?” Leanne’s answer is Yoga, Health & Sail Wellness.

Love & Light

Leanne x

Why yoga breaks you open?

Have you ever experienced a yoga practice and it breaks you open ? Tears begin to fall or maybe you witness another’s release?

My first classes last week in a new space, I open my eyes after deep gratitude thanking students for allowing me to guide them through their practice …I look into the watery eyes of some of my students. Trembling faces and tears begin to fall, ‘hearts broken open and pain released.’

Yoga and all it offers is such a gift. Students being mindful of breath, intention and holding a special place in their hearts for someone or a release of a pain they are holding inside is released during or after practice.

My intention as their teacher for class was to tap into the heart for 60 minutes encouraging Oceanic breath and acceptance of what you cannot change and more importantly remembering always, a quote I have used since the beginning of my teaching ‘Your heart is the light of this world, don’t cover it up with your mind.

Love and light


Bubbles under the Sea

I’m fascinated by the diver bubbles rising to the surface as I snorkel above, I’m drawn to play and swim amongst them as I watch the eloquent turtle move with breaststroke purpose over the coral head and through the contours disappearing as quickly as it emerged. The silence beneath the surface is always a soul saver a way to switch off the mind – floating, taking in the marine life going about their business in Aqua blue.

It all seems a little distant now as I sit watching the almost full moon light our path through the salty sea beneath, the clouds rushing past in various forms creating a hallow of red at times around the moon.

I’m alone again above the sea my watch 12- 3, the stars not quite as vibrant as we have witnessed but they are here between the clouds twinkling away.

Moonlit sky by Leanne Hembrow m

I’ve felt at times I’m missing something as we are onboard another motor boat “where’s the sails ?” No winches to wind, sheets to tail or sails to trim … only engines hum!

I’ve walked, talked & taught yoga soaking in the beauty of the coral sea once again, jumping from cays to islets, we shared a new experience with some old friends who crossed oceans with us for the first time on our ‘Go East rally’ to New Caledonia and now they experience Beyond the Barrier rally also, along with others who have now sailed to a special place in Australia’s Coral sea.

As the seas have calmed way more for the first time in 3 weeks, it feels like I just want to be right here for a little longer – Port is only a matter of hours away and life on the mainland will absorb our minds and hearts once again.

Namaste Ocean Yoga

I’ve witnessed beginners of yoga embracing the practice and share their thoughts, One saying “My wife has always practiced and now I’ll go with her, I enjoyed this!”

I teach and spill new students amongst the many studios once they are back home, and share with them online with Subscribed Yoga, Health & Sail wellness with Leanne and slip back into life with new adventures to come!

Namaste 🙏

Magnetic Island our final destination

“Two Vessels need Attention”

Namaste Ocean Yoga

The anticipation of leaving on a voyage is mixed with so many emotions.

You have a plan, a to do list and of course a timeline.

We are checking, changing, maintaining, cleaning, shopping, shopping, shopping, it seems endless and overwhelming.

The tide that always seems to be low and we have to wheel the groceries like a trapeze artist, balancing the food stacked high as the trolley is often too small and you don’t want to make endless trips.

Your legs are burning and your talking to yourself – “ Steady, steady – who the hell made these trolleys ? “Why does this bloody ramp have to be so long” “we check the tide most days, why didn’t we check it before shopping.”

There are

‘2 vessels which need attention’

The boat is one ☝️

But do we really prepare ‘ourselves’ before a voyage?

Like our usual busy lives we always seem to put ourselves last. The boat is maintained and no expense spared to assure our safety.

The shopping is endless, and when we finally throw the lines exhaustion often sets in, you’ve been running on pure adrenaline, talking to yourself to keep pushing past our signs to say “rest” … tempers are tested, the F bombs are dropped … sometimes tears, if i I kick my toe one more time … the timeline is driving us – we are striving for the end goal – the weather window, blue waters, ideal anchorages chasing the feeling ‘Hows the serenity’ so we keep pushing ourselves.

Now the lines are thrown , the body & mind is exhausted —- it’s time to relax … oh no, yes we planned to leave on a little less favourable weather as a trade off to enjoy better weather at our destinations !!!

So now your feeling a little green – you say rest – but you can’t – chaos onboard – you’ve forgotten to close a hatch and water is spraying in … your punching into the waves and your talking to yourself again – “Am I mad?” Why the hell do I put myself through this ? Ow ! bang – that’s going to bruise …Doors are opening and closing in the galley, the catches decide they won’t clip, the latch on the fridge is giving way, the food spills to the floor … “I’m nuts “ the boat is going too fast, we have a timeline – chaos … breathe !!!! Slow the boat down ….Tools come out – latches are fixed – Life on board calms – but now you feel a little queasy, you forgot to eat before you left – fresh air and horizon please !!!

Your talking to yourself again “Sit, take in the Serenity, stare at the horizon!” “Wow we are all alone out here, the sun appears to rise from the ocean depths – salty air – breathe that in” … yess this is why we do it over and over again … Peace requires work and the end goal for both vessels is time, patience and care and the serenity follows.

Meditate on this!

Love and light

Leanne 🙏

I have over 75 yoga/ meditation videos for you to practice onboard. I am offline heading to the coral sea follow our journey onboard Cavillino 111 along with our Beyond the Barrier Rally boats the next 3 weeks. ⬇️

vikāratas = change

Have you ever wanted to deepen your yoga practice?

Namaste Ocean Yoga

I created trade mark Yoga4Yachties © over 14 years ago, at first a dream, then a passion & now a business. I offer Classes both online and on location, Yoga /Sailing retreats, Retreats at Island locations and as at 2021 Yoga Teacher Training.

I am proud of the sacrifices I made to create a unique platform in the sailing world. It took many years to build something from a dream … Sacrifice builds strength & a deep connection with its roots, Namaste Ocean Yoga School™ is now open for 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training. I would be honoured to teach you what others have passed onto me through ancient text during 12 October – 9 November 2021 in Moreton Bay Area Qld Australia.

What a ride creating this platform to offer online and in person Yoga Teacher Training, the absolute butterflies I felt in my stomach to make sure I offer all I could and more to my students and the wish they walk away with the knowledge so many before me have passed on from the lineage of Yoga. Read Maria’s testimonial on my website

My life at sea has been haulted somewhat with Covid but I continue to find ways to connect with the sailing/cruising community I hold in my heart. My husband’s creation and I continue to offer experiences which incorporate some amazing beauty of Australia, which sees us cruising in the Coral Sea in June and August, the remoteness and beauty has open my eyes more to the stunning ocean travel right at our back door Australia.

Are you looking for change or to deepen your practice? Yoga Teacher Training is not just about teaching afterwards, its about growth in self, your practice & life. You may not wish to teach afterwards, that is perfectly fine, you will walk away with an eye opening tool to place in your ‘Tool Box of Life’.


Leanne Yoga 4 Yachties

Pondering …

Over the years I have found myself pondering, “have I placed myself as a Yoga Teacher in a box calling myself “Yoga4Yachties” … when I say this number “13” it represents my time living and practicing yoga on a boat, which seems quite unimaginable even to me, but here I am in my bunk typing away and pondering. I want to share yoga to all the public, but my lifestyle and home floats on the water, so my teachings of course will be within my community and Island Life…and I’m happy with this, and if I stray outside my box, my classrooms are never far from the water.

As I continue to ponder, I also reflect on my recent Yoga Workshop held at Marina Mirage Gold Coast, and how my teachings are changing to suit and help my sailing community practice yoga onboard. In a pre-covid world I would enjoy teaching during the past decade in Natures Classroom’s, offering my blissology inspired Vinyasa flows, these classes my students embraced, but we were on land not practicing on our boats!

I recently said to a student I am Teacher Training “Push aside all the information you are learning to teach me how to flow through Sun Salutations, by watching and listening to your body – you are your teacher, as I observe you silently flowing you are stepping, turning on toe mounds, aligning, raising arms, relaxing shoulders and breathing in the pause before transitions ……. close your eyes and don’t think just pay attention to how you move and feel in the pose and repeat those actions verbally.”

So I decided to listen to the “Wise Guide Inside” (or until recently I thought this trademark saying from my teacher Eoin Finn was saying wise guy inside lol) and teach a class based on putting myself into the “bare feet” of other sailors who had never practiced yoga on board or had attempted and struggled. I really wanted to encourage them to begin a yoga practice, find the simplicity of practice on board as well as learn how to challenge yourself in a safe way.

I thought about how many times I had created a sequence on my bunk, because rain was pouring down outside or I just felt like lying and stretching. Words from my trainings were coming to the fore front of my mind whispering , “nearly all yoga poses can be done supine” and a clear vision appears watching a demonstration of a student in Triangle being lowered to the floor.

As we age, fear of falling, our balance becoming unstable, knees, hips & back injuries all have a roll in this workshop…whether at home or on a boat this workshop discussed scenarios, how to center and align your body for safety, as well as how to use props, like blocks , straps and sheets.

I am always a little nervous before teachings “It is healthy a yoga teacher said to me recently “It’s ok to be nervous, it just shows you care.” So I carefully prepared and opened the workshop with a 40-50 min flow practice. If the ultimate compliment can be someone falling asleep in crocodile pose, I was pleasantly surprised by this as well as our discussion after the flow experience.

Crocodile posture makarasana taught and practiced as a relaxation pose

Thank you to all who joined the workshop, I am always humbled to share and especially grateful I could have a in-person classroom experience as so many of my Yoga Teacher friends around the world are in lock down and virtual is the only option.

We now need to work on motivation to continue to step onto your mats, so enjoy the 45 + videos to help you continue your practice in my private Facebook group continually sharing live classes with you both virtually and in studio (studio space TBA where very soon)

Remember challenges are only hurdles to jump over, don’t allow fear to paralyze you, allow yoga into your life, find the motivation by reflecting how badly you want to live your sailing lifestyle and enjoy moving freely like you did in youth.

Love and Light

Leanne x

Namaste Ocean Yoga ™©

(I wished I had taken a photo of the workshop, but I smile that we were so busy learning and sharing taking a snapshot of your lovely presence, will just be an imprint on my mind and kept in my heart as a memory shared with 8 beautiful souls)