Why yoga breaks you open?

Have you ever experienced a yoga practice and it breaks you open ? Tears begin to fall or maybe you witness another’s release?

My first classes last week in a new space, I open my eyes after deep gratitude thanking students for allowing me to guide them through their practice …I look into the watery eyes of some of my students. Trembling faces and tears begin to fall, ‘hearts broken open and pain released.’

Yoga and all it offers is such a gift. Students being mindful of breath, intention and holding a special place in their hearts for someone or a release of a pain they are holding inside is released during or after practice.

My intention as their teacher for class was to tap into the heart for 60 minutes encouraging Oceanic breath and acceptance of what you cannot change and more importantly remembering always, a quote I have used since the beginning of my teaching ‘Your heart is the light of this world, don’t cover it up with your mind.

Love and light
