
“Strength comes from struggle. When you learn to see your struggles as opportunities to become stronger, better, wiser, then your thinking shifts from ‘I can’t do this’ to ‘I must do this.’

Toni Sorenson
Photo : Me after being in hospital for a week 6 years ago … severe appendicitis after returning from Bali and Yoga Teacher Training.

I woke from my operation and my right leg wouldn’t work … I moved to swing my legs over to get out of bed and only one moves … Doctors briefly visited over the next few days, I finally broke a few days later, the doctors concerned looked at my sister ‘She is very upset today, she needs to know why her right leg will not respond?’ The doctor mentions casually ‘We had to cut away part of your psoas muscles due to the infection eating into it’ – my attention heightened – I had been learning the importance of this muscles at yoga teacher training – so over the next few days, I sat up in bed and began shifting my leg in positions to help strengthen my right psoas muscle.

It’s clear to see taking care of this deep psoas muscle is crucial to a strong, pain-free body. Many others believe a healthy psoas is important for emotional and spiritual health, too.

Dr Axe

All too often we find ourselves experiencing aches and pains in our bodies, especially in the low back – it may be time to investigate the psoas muscle. Dr Axe

Photo by The Daily Bandha

Pose : Supported Setu Bandha

The psoas major, technically named iliopsoas, may very well be one of the most important muscles in the body. Why? This deep-seated core muscle helps support your back and so much more. If the psoas is weak, it could be the cause of back pain, neck pain and various other issues. In fact, the psoas major muscle is especially unique, particularly when it comes to postural function. It’s the only muscle that connects the lumbar spine and lower body. Dr Axe

Trikonasana Prep – Imagine lifting the forward leg straight up to engage the psoas

The Daily Bandha
Photo : The Daily Bandha Ardha Matsyendrasana

The Gift of movement is not to be forgotten #leayogathoughts

The act of making your spine feel long with help to activate muscles like your spinal erectors and perhaps even your psoas and quadratus lumborum. So you then are not only using your arms, you are using your spinal muscles themselves to help twist your spine.

I cannot see what is going on inside my body- but I know how to fuel it and use my mind the best I can for quality of life.


Today the psoas muscle is always a reminder for me of how important it is to perform the most simplest of tasks we take for granted, WALKING!

Move your body and become aware of your psoas muscle it could be your new best friend for quality of life.


Leanne x

See Quotes and links from Dr Axe, Sensational Yoga & The Daily Bandha

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